Monday, May 23, 2011

The book that im reading is called the outsiders, its about a teenage boy named ponyboy and his gang. he goy beat up many times for his brothers. ponyboy parents both died so he is very furmily with death.though he is part of a gang he doesnt really like to fight. he is like a lil kid he loves to watch movies and do other childish things. ponyboy is differnt from others because he likes to do things on his own he doesnt like to work with others. ponyboy gang which is called greasers has beef with the socs . greasers is a poor gang while socs are rich people they dont like each other for that fact they are differnt so they beat each other up everytime they seeeach other.


#14 what are some some questions and concerns you  have about growing up?
1-how long am i going to live for
2-am i going to be successful
3-would my goals change
4- would i be forgotten
5- would i be lost in the world of defeat
6-will i be challenged with problems
7-would i have say


#3 Who was I? Who am I? Who do I want to be?

In the past i stood a young narrow minded child, a child that only believed what was preached under his house hold. I was a child that cared more about forgiveness then forgotten. While my peers went trick or treating i would lay in the house and listen to my farther talk about how hollowen was for the devil. I was a child that was hidden from the world. i deared not to challenge my parents and there rules because i was scaryed of dissapointment. I saw the world within my parents eyes, i was a young black kid that was scaryed of experience.
I am a opened minded teenager, that sometimes rebel away from what was preached in my house hold. i am a child that cares less about someones thoughts of my actions or my presents. i am a child that looks at life from different point of view and trys hard not to judge anorther. i am a person who doesnt hold nothing back and lives life through my own pair of eyes. i am a child that craves success but doent hate defeat. I am now a black teenager who aims for the future.
i want to be a man that feeds the hungry, i want to be a mna that live life with joy and meets more then corners. i want to  be a man that is not a mentor but a teacher. i dont want someone to fair meh i want people to respect me. i want to be a man that dies not having any regrets or second thoughts. i want to be a man that was created by my past.